Monday, October 11, 2010

Attraction. Balancers = Aphrodite working her magic Aries through to Virgo (P.1)

We all have a very visible, as well as a subtle yet potent, set of magnets.
Our innate and personalised ‘Aphrodites’ working connivingly well to get us just what we secretly (or not so secretly) want. Common attractions stem from what we have experienced in the route between childhood through to adulthood in accordance what is innate, as well as the all the potentials that have arisen and do come to surface from transits.

So here we go...

And please remember that each sign is an expression of a ‘type’, these types at the end of the day are so personal to you and you only. Relationships between the lady Venus and other parts of the self are to be noted as they show the conditions that the woman has experienced in the shaping of her likes/dislikes.

For instance, a Capricornian/Venus-Saturn influence (depending on the relationship between the two) could depict a disciplined, refined, testing love-based influence. Loyalty, stability might be found to be some of the products... Playing around with her position amongst other connections she makes to your personal chart can be quite enlightenening. Using your own understandings of mythologies mixed with personal experience thus far...

Venus in Aries - a woman that definitely does not want to feel inferior to Ares, the male counterpart. A strength of character will be super-important (in herself and the other) which comes into action as she tests the prospects/interests of the moment for equality. Even if the strength is based on an inner strength that lies within a quieter man with a strong heart, or more obviously in a philosopher who can also play ball. Games and displays of honest affection come long before cliche poetry and chocolates. This Venus wants to be Wonderman, and she is looking for her Superman, Batman or the equivalent, whoever meets her mark.

Venus in Taurus - Sensual, traditional, grounded or romantically stable is a strong driving force in the attraction/courtship process. Those that can offer this beauty her room for creativity, perhaps giving her financial freedom and a general sense of security by dowsing her with sentiments and objects of affection. These ladies may still give an air of independence, however the drive for personal or solo adventure isn't as obvious as it may be more extrovertedly-based others. Her stability comes from an early development of creating harmony and empowering herself through standing her ground and being less reactive than those in surrounding environments. Passive-aggressiveness and introversion have becoming a very well-tried and tested coping mechanism, winning her for what she has longed for in times past. Knowing this, she has stayed true to her grounded, slow and steady within the many processes of courting and loving. It is with this approach that many suitors that are too variable, extroverted or distant will come and go without leaving a lasting effect that she can’t readily shake off.

Geminian Venus - I want this. And this. No thats better. But this one is pretty awesome too!... The desire nature is funnily-fickle, contradictory and everchanging. As their longings exist largely in the mental realm, a space that is unaware of its own highly reactive tendencies, she’ll make decisions of who to love and what to participate in, based around an internal dialogue weighing the options whilst changing the odds. Fluctuations in her feelings – love, hate, distance, closeness etc etc Couldn’t be more natural and not a general worry, as that worry becomes another worry. She gets over it and used to the fact this is just the way she generally is. Interest me or eff the hell off ladies man! Please give this lady constant change, room to move, some thought-out courtship games, an most importantly, an awareness of these fluctuations if you want to have her in your sights for a longer than a preview-only screening.

Cancerian Affairs - Love is as important as air for these voluptuous (heart-wise) feminina~
At least the feeling of being in love whether being in flow with an art form, a strong connection to forming a home (wherever that may be), producing something in any creative outlet where the heart is fully involved, or being fulfilled by caring and bonding with another human. As the need is so distinct, her love or the concept of love can be used by some of these ladies who remain unaware of their habits as a major source of manipulation, to create dependencies and emotional ties. As her heart lies in loving, she comes with a strong maternal instinct, or at least an awareness of her need for emotional experience. These strengths in the realm of emotions are beneficial to others out there who are in need of a constant stream of love. She must remember that there is no harm in loving another and needing that love in return when one is free from the neediness of another person. Those with artistic talent or have a strong love for anything in particular perform at their absolute best when putting their whole self into the works and knowing that love is limitless regardless of relationship status at any point in time.

Love for the Leo - These divas love, bigtime! As in a massive, warm, sunshine-everyday form of a hug. Grand in their manner in attracting, courting, loving and everyday associations with others is an underlying need, whether this need is being expressed or retained. Looking classy, gold, at the top of their game always is a major aim for these lionesses. Equivalent to big golden locks, batting eyelids and push-up bras that say ‘Hey Boys’ come before wanting an intellectual conversation and future prospects of how the relationship will work. Glitz, glamour, diamonds. Strong when her heart is on the line, charming when in the game and loveable when she has a stage or a voice to share herself in a big, very ‘her’ way.

Virgonian Venus - Saving grace. Perfecting the art of affection, timing, needs and the workings of the mind, heart and relationships. She has the beautiful ability to stick around longer than many other no matter the odds, just to know that the other will fix themselves eventually or seeing a potential in another that convinces them that they can help to manifest 'good' by staying in a relationship. A smart woman with strict or 'different' needs and wants. More practical than romantic, although all women have this within them. She chooses to show the logistics first. She can purify states of bodily health, mind, their environment or the public, by seeing the nature and workings of all things. Innately holistic, the breaking down of things into parts is part of the process of precision and exploring the individual facets of anything in this life to eventually understand the processes of their own selves. There is no stereotype for these ladies as the range of girls with this complex-as-thought energy is so diverse . From hardcore rockchick with a strong principle to a nun with a need to purify their souls. The sticking to a principle or purpose is very defined.

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