Monday, October 11, 2010

Events happen for the purpose of evoking a reaction, bringing meaning

It's not as strange as one might think that separate unrelated peoples in separate unrelated parts of the world at separate unrelated times, have come up with remarkably similar approaches to figuring out and entertaining profound questions like contemplating the source of the universe, (or who are we and why are we are? Or why aren't I rich and famous etc etc :)

The situations that arise cannot be predicted, nor can they be interpreted by anothers eyes, as circumstances along with the people that enter our lives are for the sake of experience, the learning and understanding lessons. It is through these lessons we learn in each moment, each change that gives everything its meaning.
This is why all arts, sciences, cycles and processes mean nothing if the lessons and experienced are not acknowledged as they are.

Think of someone who is attached strongly a group, another who is inseparable from their oceanic environment, another their family-oriented home. If something was to go wrong, loss was to occur, breakdowns or a big change their affected their life direction, the effect on each individual would be similar, unique in their own way of learning, but the outcomes of the lessons are what evokes similar responses. This is what happens in life which can be represented by planetary transits.


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