Saturday, October 9, 2010

Archetypes as Sterotypes then times them by half a billion! And counting...

The 12 astrological signs that most of us have come to recognise as creating the traditional zodiac are representative of only a mere 12 types of people.

Let's call these 12, a bunch of archetypes, really just a primal version of our modern-day stereotypes. However our reigning need to have these 'types' in our lives sits so deeply within our own psyches, that we really choose to become one (or two or three) of them, as a way of playing a role and having a sense of being a somebody in this world. Surely there are more than 12, but if you take away the layers, strip by strip, perhaps you can see where the choice of number comes from...

Surely in a world like ours we can each observe the plethoras of traits and characteristics that are inconsistently, but constantly, on display. All the characteristics, idiosyncrasies and habits that come together time and time again, ultimately lead us to the possession of our own sense of individuality. It is within these compilations of memories and personal reactions to life experience that we are in constant fluxes of action and reaction in continuation.

At any one time, is there really a chance that someone else in the world is feeling IDENTICAL to ourselves and seeing PARALLEL to our views? Similar perhaps, but EXACTLY do you believe?
The specific experiences, influences, areas of our lives that we invest time and effort, our daily desires and secret loves, where we have formed our roots and what we have come to fear, truly affects the basic template of each archetype ginormously!

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