Friday, October 15, 2010

Saturn needs some Venus too!

Venus needs love. As Venus IS love. Perhaps she functions on our impulses, and our instant gratifications allowing us to reach states of love beauty and ecstasy in moments. When she's doing that we can surely know we're missing her somewhere else in our lives.

Saturn needs work. As Saturn LOVES work. Perhaps he functions on giving us copious amounts of hard labour, boring and dull tasks based on the fact we haven't utilised our imaginations efficiently to find a baseline for him to begin building the creations we have conjured up, so instead, he shows up elsewhere. He needs to be needed. Just like Venus.

When there is a relationship between the two, perhaps we need to add a little love to our work, and vice versa. Saturn gives us a sense of reality so we don't topple off into the abyss when we fall into states of bliss. Instead of seemingly acting like the magnifying glass and curtain remover in our required romantic role-play, perhaps he can instead be our lifefloat that is just an arms length away when we have got lost in the sea of wonder that we find ourselves in once we've opened ourselves up to another person or opportunity. We don't need to grasp onto the lifejacket for dear life as soon as we're out of the boat (our ego), as swimming there can be one of the best experiences we have on Earth, but having sight of a lifejacket instilled with an 000 signaller, can shift us back to shore when swimming turns into drowning or when we lose our way all the way out there. The ocean is a vast and deep place after all.

When we're busy at work and we're getting bored, tired, a little irritated and lacking sight of what and why we're still working in the first place, the relationship Saturn has with Lady Venus can be a God-send. When she's called for, she can be used most constructively to add pleasure to duty, perhaps adding a little play to planning. She can mix it all up fruitfully so we're not left slaving away with no sight of an end. When she knows she's included, her urge for instant satisfaction, attention or spontaneity that pops up at other times, lessens, and she becomes the oh-so feminine worker that partakes in the trade, choosing to add a little sugar and spice to the production line.

Just like Mars and Saturn, or most relationships between seemingly incompatible aspects, when there is harder work to be overcome by the merging and blending these two traits, a greater awareness and knowledge is gained. The harder the work, the greater the momentum, the larger and more prosperous the results.

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