Sunday, October 10, 2010

12th House: We fear what we can't always see: Time to open our eyes...

We only come to fear what we reject, fail to understand and keep hidden from the light of an open mind.

What we see when our eyes partially closed or overly focussed on specifics and detail.

Similar to wearing goggles that become fogged whilst we’re in conditions with little to no visibility. We do not know the landscape of our surroundings nor do we know what lives there. Due to our limited vision, the shapes and figures looming in front of us and around us, give us the impression that they are dangerous, so we get anxious leadings us to becoming defensive and irrational. Time and time again, having an expectation of that grey, murky patch every time we swim with these old goggles, the constant expectation eventually turns into an amplified defence, an assumption that causes us to breathe harder and fog our vision moreso.
These shapes and shadows are the aspects of ourselves that we judge, criticise and filter as being 'negative' especially when we see these traits in others as they truly sit in our personal blindspots.They are usually in the forms of ideas, memories and beliefs that often stem back to before most of us can remember, when we first form our instinctual reactions. Some of us are less aware then others of our set of defences. The spaces of ourselves that we have not yet understood, where we float aimlessly, and what others respond to in ways that seem out of context or confusing.

These figures can be seen as strong characters in our personality, as they are parts of ourself that we express without full awareness of their influence. This is the beginning of 12th house explanations, and the characters are as follows (dum dum dum....) (I wrote this while it came to me very clearly so I need to lighten it up a bit, just thought to get it out how I first made sense of it though! :)

Please note::: The types of moods, wants, actions, behaviours, thoughts and displays of emotion vary depending on what the particular influence of the planet has (relationships to other planets and archetypal energy of the sign shows us a more specific perspective)


Emotional outbursts and irrationalism are feared as the very things that nurture them usually are unknown or not fully conceived. By not knowing what nurtures them or balances their moods , a fear of instability is born. Perhaps a dislike of being related to being 'emotionally immature' as others may picture their behaviour as being child-like when these aspects reveal themselves (although they are kept very well hidden from almost everyone). Due to levels of uncertainty greater than the ‘average’ person, there can often be a strong emotional manipulation or focus on other's moods as they unknowingly try to understand their own drives and needs.

Holding back and repressing thoughts, what is actually important to the self is often blocked due to deep sense of feeling misunderstood.
The thoughts are linked strongly the subjective/unconscious swrirling soup of information that has been created by everyone over time, so their interpretation of their world is highly personal, and more detached from mainstream thought. Others in their early environment may have seen their uniquity in thought processing as 'weird, strange, or generally as something negative (or at least this may be how the self has interpreted the feedback from others over time.)
Due to the negative feedback in earlier times, communication with others may be exaggerated in a way so that they may be able to engage with others and feel wa, or they be focussed so much on one topic of understanding that they believe others may appreciate or react to, eventually become obsessive towards it becomes their personal link with the world. The individual may be introverted in thought, aware of their ‘differences’, whilst living largely in the realm of all the information and concepts that exist. If this is the case, the need for communication might be so strong that once they find an outlet and release their thoughts when less aware, the need or want for reclusion soon follows to link back to their own personal realm of their own reality.


When we don't know what we want, what we prefer and why, we can't describe nor can we have a true sense of direction or set of standards that fit ourselves well. This is very true for who we attract. If we don't know what we want or why, what suits us and what makes us feel loveable or loving, feelings towards our own attractiveness might wax and wane. We may dislike being liked/appreciated for only physical reasons or we might swing with uncertainity to overcompensating and putting large amounts of effort into physical beauty. Even providing and caring for others for anyone who will accept us, just to feel that SOMEthing or SOMEone loves us. Basically these people will do whatever it takes to feel needed on a deeper level by someone. As they have a deep-seated need to love unconditionally, totally and wholly (whether this be towards a single person, family, community or all of humanity as a whole) there is a sacrificial attitude towards their interests or where they choose to display their affections. This unknown sense of sacrifice puts them at the feet of others if they remain unaware of their need to merge entirely with another in their interpretation of 'the highest of levels'. If they are to overcome obstacles relating to the nature of their heart and their longings, they must learn to empower themselves totally by merging with their experience of 'God', the cosmos, a state a peace brought on by any forms of yoga, martial arts, dance and more personal endeavours.


If we are unsure of how to deal with conflict or ‘force’ totally, we are not utilising our vitality in full efficiency. This can lead one to fluctuate between strong fighting feelings of aggressiveness, to being passively upset, to unrestrained anger to wanting to avoid conflict at all costs without knowing entirely what causes these drives in the first place. Often they retain strong unsurfaced drives which are often of a basic instinctual/primitive nature which often sit are at the roots of the repression. Situations and people that seem to be forcing them or others ahead, people that are pushy, primal, unrefined, might niggle at them as these parts that sit within everyone lay very low if not completely from sight for these people. The unwillingness to fight fairly, if at all.


Big schemes and grand ideas are kept behind the show curtains, mainly because they have come to believe that their idealistic nature is too far-reaching or pointless in their lives after reality has given them a kick somehow at somestage or two. Dealing with these ideas and putting them into reality is an important task or focus for them to overcome the self-defeatist attitude of wanting to dream but never pursuing. Usually the dreaming side to them is a more inherent and natural ability so the feeling of being lucky comes from a non-expectant attitude to receiving plenty of luck and ‘good things’. They usually are pretty happy and content with anything that comes their way on some level. Anyone who appreciates what they have and considers themselves innately lucky usually creates circumstances which harbour these thoughts and makes them believe themselves moreso.


Constant fears of limitation and restriction. The feeling that others are weighting them down and no matter what, they cannot escape the ruts they find themselves in. With or without their awareness of their own thought-trains and types of thoughts, their doubts and fears in regards to being enslaved by others needs, wishes and larger-scale rules and regulations are so strong. This really is due to their own mental structure that regulates itself in the form of internal scheduling and structure followed by avoidance and procrastination in their daily lives. The situations really seem external when it comes to their own patterning. From this, strong dislikes or fear towards being bound in whichever sense is quite likely if they haven't gathered an awareness of what truly scares them. It is the fear of limitations which creates the anxiety adding fuel to fire, creating more limitations and more fears. The cycle is enacted repetitively until one realises there is no fight or war when there is understanding.

URANUS: PROMETHEUS - Crazy:Truth:Clarity

A very active mind, a bizarre emotional nature and high reactivity have brought them to a state of wanting to deny their very nature. Hiding what is seen by themselves as the volatile or crazy side of their very selves, or these people might be so wanting to conform that they reject that this part of them even exists. Conforming when the need to break free is so strong and see others as disruptive or beyond strange when they are not even seeing this in themselves. Acceptance is the remedy, giving them peace of mind and a whole state of being as they realise the truth to matters only comes by following and taking in all sides of their wants, needs, truths, ideas and dreams.


The subjective, dream-like trait that they possess in dealing with the world may be kept hidden away from most people. Be it in the realm of abstract arts, poetry, music or any spiritual pursuits . Often unaware of barriers between themselves and others, especially on more subtle, emotional and spiritual areas. There may be a distance kept between the self and others where the world is more of a fantasy movie or video game, however once connected to certain people there is a strong need to merge accompanied by a very giving attitude. Becoming aware of saving tendencies of victim attitudes is a strong element needed for them to move forward to grow. The inherent ability to ‘plug-in’ to the cosmic soup of all-that-is is not always recognised, so taking in the feelings of the collective along with all the hopes, wishes and fears occurs when they aren’t even aware, believing these feelings to be their own and reacting accordingly. Definitely a dreamy-side to their view of the world whether they admit to it or not.


Intense fears of being out of control and confused feelings towards being the darker aspects of life. From sex, drugs, heavy metal music, anything linking to overly intense drives in general. They may feel they have a grip or understanding of their own drives and feelings but there are times they often test themselves, proving themselves wrong. There may often be a strong religious/conscientious background or strict upbringing focusing overly on the 'right' and 'good', creating the polarity that they are on one side or the completely opposite. In the black or in the ‘light’. When their own fears overtakes them, they give their power away unconsciously (what sits on the 12H cusp)where the external world seems to rob them of all their energy and true purpose which acts like a 'black hole'. When they realise that it is only them instilling these in the first place, they come back to themselves. The ability to know everyone’s weaker spots, how people work, what lies beneath often gives them a gigantic amount of self-empowerment especially when they are in tune with this. So it is how they use this knowledge that is important to their own unfoldment of events in their life. Sometimes the trouble they do create (unawares), is to strengthen them up, losing power only to come back to it with greater force than ever. Time and time again....

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