Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Life As One Big Experiment

To continually reject all that which does not serve a purpose (out of the continual and growing list of possibilities) and learn and understand that which remains throughout all experiences.

REJECTED (thus far):
That there is one 'right'
That being first is relatively any better or significant overall
That fitting in everywhere is comfortable/necessary
That being 'good' on all levels and by all means makes for a better life and greater happiness.
That knowing 'more than', 'above average', makes one higher, superior, authorities.
That being smarter is EVERYthing
That being liked across the board is of the highest importance
That people are good/bad at activities instead of trained/unskilled as of yet.

That there are infinite amounts of paths that cannot be retraced regardless of how much energy is spent in doing so.
Rejecting beliefs/possibilities as part of personal experiences means stuck, it clears the road for new ideas and further realizations and experiences.
Intelligence is a lot for a person, when used conscientiously, wholly and integrating for the purpose of understanding.
All things are visible to the believer of the thing that they are seeing .
Everyone has innate potential equivalent to every other, however the interest in gaining a skill us the significance.
Being/feeling balanced, at ease, outweighs being a the extreme 'good' end of the spectrum, as every extreme has its polar partner.
That no matter how much an idea, concept fits, its up to no-one else to believe it. The idea has already become part of universal consciousness, and that's ultimately the only thing worth realising.
The significant of plants and nature lies in their meaning throughout evolution, which can be observed and understood by examining their traits: their connection to the cycle of all things, steady growth over time, presence of cycles and natural rhythms.
Perhaps the denser the thought, the more complex and more tangent-filled an idea, the more possessed the mind of its energy and therefore its outcome.
One idea, one belief someone has, may hold all the truth, yet the filters of another may indicate a 'warning' signal to themselves as the explanation of the truth clashes with personal understanding. However the seed of truth within a story, rationale, understandings is the same seed as in all truths. The ultimate origin of truth itself.
The struggles we, the earth, masses as a whole experience are due to conflict of natural balance. Balance and the feeling of flow come from an integrated perspective.
Ask extremists why are they in so much inner turmoil? It is only the other half/parts of themselves they are fighting with and against.
I am a grain of sand in this mass ocean of absolutely everything.

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